Do you have a pocket full of old pound coins? Are you wondering if they are still valid and can be exchanged for new ones? Well, it’s time to find out! In this article, we will look at the rules governing old pound coins so that you know whether or not your money is still worth something.
So what exactly are these ‘old’ pound coins we’re talking about? The UK released its last round of 1-pound coins in March 2017 – meaning any coin minted before then is considered an ‘old’ pound coin. This includes every single design released since 1983 when the first £1 was introduced.
Luckily for all those who held onto their pre-2017 pounds, HM Treasury has confirmed that shops must accept them until 15th October 2019. So there’s no need to worry just yet; your old pounds could still come in handy after all! Keep reading to learn more about how and where to exchange them.
Identifying Old and New Coins
Distinguishing between old and new coins can be a tricky task. To identify coins, you need to compare them side by side. Old coins may differ from newer ones in size, colour or design. It’s important to check the year printed on each coin to differentiate old from new. Knowing which type of pound coin is being used will also help determine its value and how it should be spent.
If you are unsure about a particular coin, research online to find out more details before spending it as currency or exchanging it for another one. This way, you’ll know exactly what kind of pound coin is in your possession and whether or not it has any special markings that could make it worth more than face value. With this knowledge, you can then decide if changing the coin would be beneficial or not.
Withdrawal of Old Coins From Circulation
In March 2017, the UK government announced that it would be withdrawing old pound coins from circulation. The minting of these coins had already been phased out in October 2016, and they were no longer being produced. This was done with the aim of introducing a new 12-sided £1 coin which has enhanced security features to make it harder to counterfeit.
The withdrawal period began on 15th October 2017, and shops and businesses stopped accepting the old coins as legal tender after this date. However, members of the public can still deposit their old coins into banks or post offices until 15th October 2018 before they become invalid. People should check if any places are still accepting them after this date, as some may continue to do so for a while longer.
Deadlines for Exchanging Old Coins

The exchange deadline for old pound coins is 15th October 2017. After this date, the coin will no longer be accepted in shops or banks. People who still have these coins need to take action and change them into legal tender at their earliest convenience.
There are various options when it comes to exchanging old coins. Banks are usually able to accept deposits of old coins which can then be converted into more modern forms of money like notes and cards. Alternatively, people can go directly to the Post Office, where they can swap the coins for newer currency onsite. Some local businesses may also offer an exchange service for customers wishing to convert their old pounds into new ones.
It’s important that everyone takes advantage of the opportunity to switch out their old coins before the official exchange deadline passes. Not only does this ensure a smoother transition from one form of currency to another, but it helps keep our economy running smoothly too. So don’t forget – make sure you get your old pound coins exchanged before 15th October!
Can You Exchange Old Coins at Bureau De Change?
It’s important to know that the deadline for exchanging old coins has passed, but depending on where you are, there may still be options available. One of these is a bureau de change, which can allow people to exchange their old coins for newer ones or other currency.
When it comes to pounds coins specifically, some bureaus de change do accept them and will take in your old pound coins so they can be exchanged with more modern versions. The process is relatively straightforward: when arriving at a bureau de change, let them know exactly what type of coinage you have and how many. They should then give you a quote on how much money you could receive if you were to trade those particular coins away. This amount will depend on both the current state of the market as well as the condition of your coins – if they’re not in great shape, then don’t expect too large an offer! However, even if your coins aren’t worth very much, trading them into a different form of currency could still be worth doing; this way, at least, you won’t have any outdated pound coins left over afterwards.
Online Markets for Buying and Selling Used Coins
Old pound coins can be found in a variety of online markets, making it easy to buy and sell used coins. Many of these platforms have an extensive selection of coins from the UK and other countries around the world. In addition to buying coins, some sites also offer auctions, allowing users to bid on rare or valuable pieces.
These online marketplaces are ideal for collectors looking for old pound coins that may not be available elsewhere. With so many different options, buyers should always do their research before purchasing any coin. This includes verifying its authenticity as well as researching its background and value. Additionally, sellers should make sure they understand all the rules regarding selling old pound coins before listing them on any platform. By being aware of all aspects of the process, both buyers and sellers can ensure successful transactions when dealing with used coins.
Royal Mint Exchange Scheme
The Royal Mint Exchange Scheme is a great way for people to exchange their old pound coins. The details of the scheme are simple and straightforward – anyone who has an old pound coin can trade them in at any bank or post office as long as they meet the eligibility requirements.
The eligibility requirements include having legal tender old pound coins that have not been circulated for more than 10 years and which must be free from damage or defects. People may also need to provide proof of identity when exchanging their coins.
Once all the necessary criteria are met, the process of exchanging your old pounds is easy. Simply take your coins to any participating bank or post office, present valid identification if requested, and you will receive new currency in return. It’s important to note that there is no limit on how many eligible coins you can exchange!
Recycling Unwanted or Damaged Coins

Recycling coins is a great way to ensure that old, unwanted or damaged coins are put to good use. Although it may seem like an insignificant task, the recycling of pound coins can help benefit both people and the environment.
Coin recycling programs exist throughout the UK to help recycle old and obsolete pound coins. These organisations provide convenient ways for individuals and businesses to dispose of their unwanted currency in an environmentally sound manner. By collecting these coins and melting them down into new ones, they can be reused without having to create additional waste. This helps reduce the number of resources used in producing new coins while also saving money on production costs.
For those who want to do something more than just throw away their old pounds, there are other options available as well. Many charities accept donations made from recycled pound coins which go towards helping those less fortunate in society. Additionally, some banks offer special accounts where customers can deposit their unused currency for reuse at a later date or donate it directly to charity organisations. Allowing everyone access to this type of service helps make sure that every penny counts!
Frequently Asked Questions
What Is the Value of an Old Pound Coin?
When it comes to old pound coins, many people wonder what the value of them is. How much are they worth? Fortunately, there is an answer to this inquiry. By understanding the worth of an old pound coin, one can determine how much money they may have in their possession.
The value of old pound coins depends on various factors such as year, condition and design. For example, a 2012 Royal Shield penny could be worth more than a 2017 version. As well, if the coin has been damaged or scratched, then its value will decrease significantly compared to a mint-conditioned version – so it’s important to inspect any stored coins carefully. Generally speaking, though, most old pound coins are worth £1 each today regardless of year or design; however, some rarer versions can fetch higher prices depending on their condition. This includes special edition 50p pieces from 2009 that feature older designs like Britannia or the Beatrix Potter characters, which can go for up to £7 per piece!
Are Old Pound Coins Accepted in Shops?
Are old pound coins accepted in shops? This is an important question for those with a large number of coins, especially given their limited value after 15th October 2017. Fortunately, there are ways to determine which shops will accept these coins and what measures can be taken when exchanging them.
The first step towards accepting old pound coins is to research any potential stores that may still accept them. Although the Royal Mint has stated that all banks and post offices have stopped accepting them as legal tender, some retailers may still take them. To find out if your local shop or supermarket accepts them, it’s best to check online databases such as Old Pound Coins Database or contact the store directly.
In addition, you may also search for other options available to exchange your old pound coins, such as donating them to charity shops, usually recognising their worth and putting the money back to good use. Alternatively, you could try using apps like Zapper, which allows customers to scan barcodes on products they no longer want and receive rewards in return – including cashback on old pound coins! If none of the above solutions seems viable, then another option is simply to save up the coins until they become collector’s items – something many people do with rare and valuable currency from around the world!
In conclusion, it’s important to know the value of an old pound coin and whether they are accepted in shops. I’ve outlined how you can tell the difference between old and new coins, as well as any special conditions for exchanging them. There isn’t a central database of all old pound coins, but if you have one or more that you want to exchange, seek out currency exchanges or banks that will accept them. It’s worth noting that many places won’t accept them anymore, so make sure to do your research before attempting to swap any! Overall, understanding the value of an old pound coin is essential for anyone wanting to get rid of their change without losing out on money.