Creative Things To Do With Your Toddlers

Parenting a toddler is not an easy exercise. They have so much energy in their tiny bodies and you find it very difficult to match their level of enthusiasm. The article below details a few things that you can do with your toddler so that both of you will be blissfully occupied throughout the day.

Introduce them to the joys of finger painting

Children love colors! You can let them enjoy themselves to their heart’s content by gifting them some washable paint. Throw away the long brushes and let them finger paint their way to perfect bliss. You can have a few small plastic garbage bins in the room so that they will be able to throw away the papers that they have drawn on if they wish. They will love painting on themselves too so keep the bath ready!

Take them out on nature walks

When the weather permits, take your little ones out on nature walks. Show them the different types of plants and flowers and let them pick a few too for further inspection. They will naturally have plenty of questions to ask you so be prepared to answer patiently! It will be a great way to enjoy the freshness of the great outdoors too. Visit new areas in the neighborhood everyday so that your child will always look forward to a novel experience.

Do sorting exercises

Get some high quality plastic jars and a few different types of grains and let your child be blissfully engaged sorting it all! This exercise will help them fine tune their motor skills as well. They will be thus engaged for many hours and you will be able to guiltlessly keep yourself entertained in any way you please too. You can even ask them to arrange their clothes in an orderly manner. Ask them to keep the t-shirts in one box, their dresses in one and their pants in another. Soon they will start sorting throughout their own belongings like pros!

Do mini tea parties

Children love to do the things grownups to and you probably know this well by now! Get them to dress up for the evening and throw a little tea party. You can make real tea and give them healthy goodies to munch on in their little plates. This will be a great way to sneak some healthy eats into their diet for sure! Keep things fun and simple. They will love the experience.

Add color to the lives of your precious children because those memories will remain with them for long years!